Launching Hercules CI

In March 2018 we set ourselves a mission to provide seamless infrastructure to teams using Nix in day-to-day software development.

In June 2018 we released a solution for developers to easily share binary caches, trusted today by over a thousand developers.

In Octobter 2018 we showed the very first demo of Hercules CI at NixCon 2018.

In March 2019 we added added support for private binary caches.

Since April 2019 we have been gradually giving out early access to the preview release with over a hundred participating developers.


We are announcing general availability of continuous integration specialized for Nix projects.

Check out the landing page to get started.

Going forward

In the coming months we’re going to work closely with customers to polish the experience and continue to save developer’s time.

For support (with getting started and other questions), contact me at so we can set you up and make sure you get the most out of our CI.

Subscribe to @hercules_ci for updates.

What we do

Automated hosted infrastructure for Nix, reliable and reproducible developer tooling, to speed up adoption and lower integration cost. We offer Continuous Integration and Binary Caches.